Sweet Baby A | Newborn Home Session | Woburn / Andover Baby Photographer

March 16, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I met this family last fall for a family session when they were expecting sweet baby A.  Big brother and sister are a fun pair with great energy and I just loved watching little sister mimic everything her big brother does.  It's very evident she loves him very much and looks up to him!

Fast forward to this February when Miss A entered the world and I was invited to photograph Miss A and her family.  I love home lifestyle sessions, particularly with newborns and their families.  This is where families spend their time, create their memories, spend their time and I feel honored every time to be welcomed into their homes to capture those precious moments.  And with Big Brother and Big Sister being young themselves, this allows them to be super comfortable and in their own space.  

We don't need a lot of room for these sessions.  Many clients think that they could never have a photographer come to their house - it's too small, it's too dark, they don't have time to clean.  That is all ok!  I have 2 kids of my own and I've been there and continue to be there.  Almost always I can find a nice bright spot and worst case I have some artificial light to help.  For this session we started in their kitchen/small play space where there was a nice large sliding glass door to the back yard.  It created some very pretty light to take some photos with Miss A in the basket solo, with her parents and siblings.

Next, we moved to the master bedroom.  Bed photos are so much fun for everyone!  Usually there's some nice bright light and it's where kids love to snuggle up for a story with their parents so older siblings always have a blast.  In these images we have baby girl as the focus with her family surrounding her with lots of joy and love.

"Welcome to our Family" sessions are meant to be an experience - first of all we relax, we keep things natural, and then we spend most of our time capturing YOU interacting with the newest member(s) of your family and then I also spend time with the baby ensuring we capture every precious little morsel.  Later when they're older and grown, these images will be a treasure and will bring you back to that moment when your little one entered the world.  They are best scheduled when the baby is between 5 and 14 days old, but if you missed that time window any time is always a great time to photograph babies!  I also help you with announcements and print/wall products. Contact me to learn more.


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